Discussion Panel: Project Enclosure Problems from the Contractor Perspective |
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Sep 24, 2015 |
SummaryFrom our custom residential structures, to our multistory commercial buildings, to our need to keep the water out, this group of high functioning Constructors will discuss what details they encounter on a daily basis and how they work through some of the most complex problems in building enclosures. As design professionals and building owners, as developers and facility managers, as building code enforcement officers and consultants, we strive to make better our built environment. Contractors get the job done. Contractors are charged with understanding complex design details, procuring the correct materials and personnel to complete the job within budget and on schedule. Contractors’ responsibilities are paramount, as they hold the tools, the experience, and the trade craft to perform complex tasks with very little room for error. As building codes continue to demand an increase in building enclosure performance and durability, Contractors are a fundamental component in the construction process necessary to achieve the end result…a building that performs. Learning Objectives
Panelist Biographies
Mr. DeWitte has been in the construction industry for 28 years. He has worked on a variety of significant projects in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. His experience covers a broad range of projects including:
His professional qualifications iclude: • Architectural Technologist Diploma, Centennial College
Randy West; Owner, Watertight Systems, Inc.