Building Enclosur Council Charleston


JBED magazine. Building Enclosure Counncil National

View the current issue of the Journal of Building Enclosure Design.




Coming in October!   Don't Do Stupid Things: Lessons in Building Science
Guest Speaker - Joseph Lstiburek

Spray Foam: Details & Myths

Rusting Hulk25 Sep 2014
6:00 PM– 7:30 PM

Chareleston Maritime Center
10 Warfside Street
Charleston, SC 29401


Continuing Education
SC Building Codes Council: 1.5 CEUs

Certificates Provided




Knowing that buildings of any type represent the largest single block of energy consumption (at approximately 40+%), Mr. Duke will educate us on current issues related to spray polyurethane foam.

Learning Objectives

  • Analyze chemistry, selection and performance values of Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF).
  • Assess application equipment, technology and ambient conditions.
  • Interpret 2012 code requirements for spray foam, including NFPA 285 and ignition barriers.
  • Recognize latest trends in SPF usage / applications.

About Our Speaker

BobDukeHeadshotRobert "Bob" Duke
COO, Applied Energy Saving Systems, Mt. Pleasant, SC
Past President, SPFA (Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance), Fairfax, VA


During a visit to Charleston in the spring of 2004, Mr. Duke had a “eureka” moment when touring a building with a friend.  Mr. Duke used that moment to spark his research surrounding what effect enhancing or creating energy efficiencies in buildings would have on energy consumption and its related costs. From there he became the proprietor of two local companies dedicated to creating high performance structures that are both energy and cost efficient.  Carolina Comfort Foam for residential applications and Applied Energy Savings Systems for Commercial, Institutional and Industrial buildings.  He is also a certified installer and quality insurance inspector for the Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA).  His company, Applied Energy Savings Systems is a recent winner of the SFPA Industry Excellence Award for the Commercial Category.  Mr. Duke recently served as Contractor Representative to the Joint Industry (CPI & SPFA) / Agency (EPA, OSHA, NIOSH, CPSC) Task Force on SPF industry stewardship programs and safe working practices (of which he is the only contractor in the USA selected for this position).