Building Enclosur Council Charleston


JBED magazine. Building Enclosure Counncil National

View the current issue of the Journal of Building Enclosure Design.





Stucco: Three Coat Versus One

  Stucco 3 coatsStucco



Presenter – Keith Davis, RRC, RWC, REWC, RBEC
Senior Project Manager, REI Engineers

Aug 27, 2015
6:00 PM– 7:30 PM

Charleston Visitors Center
375 Meeting Street
Charleston, SC 29401 (map)

Continuing Education
Sc Building Council (1.5 CEUs

Certificates Provided
for all Attendees

Event Sponsor

REI Logo



Stucco, Three Coat Versus One will provide a comparative discussion of Traditional Three-Coat Portland Cement Plaster (Stucco) and Modern One Coat Stucco Systems. In addition, the presentation will cover a brief history of stucco and a general discussion of the similarities and differences between the two systems. Design considerations, limitations, and typical failure modes of each system will also be examined.

Learning Objectives

Consideration of:

  • Approved substrates
  • Substrate preparation
  • Application procedures for Traditional Three-Coat Portland Cement Plaster (Stucco) and Modern One Coat Stucco Systems will be provided.



Kieth DavisKeith brings over 22 years of building envelope experience to the REI Engineers team, where he serves as Senior Project Manager. He has a deep understanding of wall and window systems and has designed building envelope systems for numerous high profile public and private construction and renovation projects. A graduate of UNC Charlotte with a Bachelor's degree in Architecture, he is a Registered Roof Consultant (RRC), Registered Waterproofing Consultant (RWC), Registered Building Envelope Exterior Wall Consultant (REWC) and a Registered Building Envelope Consultant (RBEC) as certified by RCI, Inc., as well as a Construction Document Technician as certified by the Construction Specifications Institute.



AIA CharlestonNational Institute of Building Design