Building Enclosur Council Charleston


JBED magazine. Building Enclosure Counncil National
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Past Events


Thursday, January 27, 2011: 6:00–7:30 pm

Bugs, Buildings, and Change: Termite Control, Moisture Control, and New Construction Trends

Bert Snyder, Vice President, Palmetto Exterminators

Charleston County Main Library, Auditorium, 68 Calhoun Street, Charleston, SC 29401
1.5 AIA LU's (HSW/SD)—certificates of completion provided for architects and others upon request
FREE Download Presentation

We are becoming ever more adept at controlling flows of energy, air, and moisture with building enclosures. Sustainability has never had more traction with the pubic, the government, or the building industry. BUT…what about termites? Bert Snyder, a graduate entomologist and pest control professional, brings over 28 years of practical experience to bear on this problem. His company has documented thousands of buildings in South Carolina over the past 50 years. These records span years—and often decades—in the life of each structure. His presentation offers a real-world perspective on the interaction of insects and buildings:

Continuing education credit is available for architects, building officials, and others. Seating is first come first served. Q&A session will follow presentation.