Building Enclosur Council Charleston


JBED magazine. Building Enclosure Counncil National

View the current issue of the Journal of Building Enclosure Design.





Summer Building Science Symposium

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The Building Enclosure Council of Charleston (BEC) has partnered with AIA Charleston to present a Summer Building Science Symposium. Register online.

The Charleston Section of AlA, in partnership with Tremco Incorporated, is excited to invite you to the Summer Building Science Symposium.
We will be conducting a day of educational opportunity that will address challenges we confront in the ever-changing world of design and construction. Each AlA accredited program will be presented by the leading experts in their particular field. Guests will earn a total of 5 AlA CEUs with HS&Wcredit.

At the conclusion of the day, please join us at a reception where you can network, meet the presenters, and discuss solutions for your particular project.
The cost to attend is $25 for AlA members, $40 for non-members. Attend all or part of the day for the same flat fee.

We look forward to seeing you there!

9:00 - 10:00  Registration
10:00 -12:00  Presentations
12:00 -1:00  Lunch
1:00 - 4:00  Presentations (with break)
4:00 - 5:00  Networking/Mixer

Hurricane Impact Resistance
with Architectural Aluminum
Vincent Ferriole
Architectural Sales Representative
YKKAP Corporation

Wind Design Fundamentals
Brian K. Pietras, MS, PE
Rickborn & Associates

Building Air Leakage and
Effects on the Building Envelope
Todd Smith
Tremco High Performance Building Solutions

Fundamentals of Joint Design
and Joint Sealants
C. Ken Hope, CSI, COT, SAME
Senior Sales Rep/Federal Account Manager
Tremco Commercial Sealants and
Waterproofing Division

Fire Marshall Presentation
Rick Fluegge
Deputy Fire Marshal/Captain
Charleston Fire Department


AIA CharlestonNational Institute of Building Design


June 30, 2015
9:00 PM– 5:00 PM

Founders Hall
1500 Old Town Rd
Charleston, SC 29407

Continuing Education
Sc Building Council 5 CEUs (Pending)
Certificates Provided
for all Attendees

Event Sponsor