Oops…Building Non-Enclosure: Who’s at Fault?

Charleston Visitor's Center 357 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC, United States

CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT AIA 1.5 LU/HSW SC Building Codes Council 1.5 CEUs Certificates provided for all attendees   SUMMARY Often, many variables and team members play a role in ensuring your building enclosure is water and air tight. Who is at fault when something goes wrong – the Owner, Architect, Contractor, Manufacturer? Please join us ... Continue reading...


Choose the Goo: Silicone Solutions

Charleston Visitor's Center 357 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC, United States

SUMMARY We no longer live in a world of chewing gum, sealing wax or just plain “caulk.” Welcome to the world of silicone and the chemistry behind its success. This presentation will unveil knowledge, tools and details for promoting greater understanding of the science behind silicone and its ability to enhance design freedom, occupant comfort, ... Continue reading...


Coastal Performance: Metal Roofing Design and Installation

Charleston Visitor's Center 357 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC, United States

Summary We will discuss the current structural testing standards, ASTM E 1592 and TAS 125, for the metal standing seam roof systems and how these standards apply to real world applications. Photos of failed roofing applications with clear evident of wind forces acting on the various roof zones. Once the standing seam roof system is ... Continue reading...


Indoor Mold and the Building Envelope: Affects On Indoor Air Quality

Charleston Visitor's Center 357 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC, United States

SUMMARY Designing buildings in Hot and Humid climates requires the integration of techniques found in the ASHRAE Guide for Buildings in Hot and Humid Climates. Dehumidification, sustainability, mold avoidance, energy reduction, and their focus on the needs of owners, architects, and engineers who build and manage buildings is critical in our hot and humid climate. ... Continue reading...


Pro-Active Risk Management for Building Enclosures

Charleston Visitor's Center 357 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC, United States

Summary The Building Enclosure has a greater impact on the life-cycle performance of a building than any other element. The ever increasing complexity of building enclosure architecture, combined with increased insulation and air tightness requirements, the relentless pursuit of green building rating points, limited budgets and compressed schedules has created a perfect storm that threatens ... Continue reading...


Building Performance Analysis: Requirements for Energy Reduction and Whole Building Optimization

Charleston Visitor's Center 357 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC, United States

Summary This presentation focuses on building performance rating systems and their requirements for energy use reduction and whole building optimization. The program provides an overview of how to use computer assisted building performance analysis systems and ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G to maximize the design team’s ability to achieve the greatest number of credits when seeking ... Continue reading...


Roofing System Failures: On the Edge of Disaster

The Charleston County Library 68 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC

Summary Properly designed and installed roofing systems should have a reasonable expectation of service. Many times, systems are inadequately designed or installed which can lead to partial or complete failure due to wind damage (blow-off) well before the intended performance period has been realized. The majority of blow offs are the direct result of inadequate ... Continue reading...


Construction Cautions and Top 10 Concerns with Enclosures

Charleston Visitor's Center 357 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC, United States

Brian M. Stroik - Manager - Building Envelope Solutions Team, Tremco Commercial Sealants & Waterproofing Summary Building Enclosures and air barriers require care and attention to detail from the design to execution stage. With the myriad of wall configurations and choices in air barriers, insulation, and exterior cladding, not to mention the different manufacturers of ... Continue reading...


BEC Charleston Fall Symposium: Building Science 201 Part Deux with John Straube

Stern Center, College of Charleston 71 George Street, Charleston, SC, United States

John Straube, Ph.D., P.Eng., Principal, Senior Building Science Specialist Continuing Education AIA: 7 LU/HSW SC Building Council 5 CEUs (pending) Certificates provided to all attendees Cost $150 per person through October 23rd ($175 thereafter) Includes continental breakfast, lunch & refreshments! Summary John at work?... John Straube returns to Charleston for an all-day symposium on several ... Continue reading...