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An Overview of Existing Projects on the Opaque Building Envelope at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
February 22, 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
FreeBEC Charleston Presents
André Desjarlais, Program Manager at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Building Envelope and Urban Systems Research
An Overview of Existing Projects on the Opaque Building Envelope
at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Continuing Education:
SC Building Codes Council: 1.5 hrs (pending)
Certificates Provided
Buildings account for more primary energy consumption in the United States than both industry and transportation. Building energy-efficiency measures have enormous potential to reduce energy consumption, costs, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Progress can be made by installing commercially available technologies like ENERGY STAR* equipment; however, technology innovations are required to meet future energy efficiency targets.
The US Department of Energy’s Windows and Building Envelope R&D ET Roadmap, published in 2014, identifies research opportunities for improving the energy efficiency and durability of new and retrofit residential and commercial buildings to meet DOE’s goal of a 50 percent reduction in building energy consumption by 2030. The findings of this report have served as a launching pad for the research activities that are now underway at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Building Envelope Systems Research Group.
The presentation will cover both product development activities as well as enabling technologies that assist building designers to make more informed decisions on the energy efficiency features they include in their projects. Topics that will be addressed include:
- The development of a new insulation technology the has twice the thermal performance of traditional insulation products used today;
- A web-based tool that assists building designers to estimate the potential energy savings that would be enjoyed if an air barrier system was deployed;
Learning Objectives
- How products having an R-12 per inch are being developed;
- The energy benefits of high R per inch products;
- The significance air tightness plays in the overall energy efficiency of buildings; and
- How much money a building owner can save by requiring improved levels of air tightness for their buildings;
About Our Presenter
Desjarlais joined the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in 1991 as a mechanical engineer. In 1998, he was promoted to group leader of the Building Envelope Systems Research Group. In 2000, the group was increased to include the Building Materials Group and an additional staff member researching radon issues with buildings. In 2006, the group was grown again with the addition of the Building America research staff.
Prior to joining ORNL, Desjarlais was Manager of Testing Services at Holometrix, Inc. (formerly Dynatech R/D Company). At Holometrix, Mr. Desjarlais oversaw the technical, marketing, and administrative performance of a contract laboratory and analyses business specializing in the thermal performance of materials and systems.
Desjarlais has been a Member of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) since 1987 and serves on Committees C16 on Thermal Insulation, E06 on Building Systems, and D08 on Roofing. He is the past Chairman of ASTM Committee C16. He was awarded the title of Fellow in 2012. He has been a member of ASHRAE since 1991, serves on Technical Committees TC 4.4 on Thermal Insulation and Building Systems, TC 1.8 on Mechanical Insulation Systems, and TC 1.12 on Moisture Control in Buildings, and is past Chairman of TC 4.4 and Research Chairman of TC 1.8.
Since 1992, Desjarlais has been a member and Past Director of the Single Ply Roofing Institute (SPRI) Technical Committee and Board of Directors. He also has served as a Member and Director of the Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues (RICOWI) since 1993. He was a founding member and serves on the Board of Directors of the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC). Desjarlais is the ORNL representative and former Chairman of the Federal Roofing Committee and past Member of the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC).