Air Barrier Know-How for our Warm / Humid Climate
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Founders Hall at Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site
1500 Old Towne Road Charleston, SC 29407
Cost: $150
Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Afternoon Snacks Included.
6.5 AIA Units (LU/HSW)
6 Professional Development Hours (PDH)
3.0 GBCI
presentation Schedule
7:45 – 8:15
Continental Breakfast & Welcome, (including coffee)
8:15 – 9:45 Presentation
Andrew Dunlap, AIA, CDT, LEED AP, NCARB, Principal, SmithGroup; Building Technology Studio Leader
An in-depth look at the environmental separators for the roof, wall and below-grade assemblies in regard to the water control, air leakage control, thermal performance and vapor control. Critical details that typically cause building performance related issues will be focused on the two largest failures of building enclosures: roof to wall connections and wall to window connections specific to curtain wall systems.
9:45 – 10:00 – Break
10:00 – 11:00 – Presentation
Laverne Dalgleish, ABAA Executive Director; Principal, Building Professionals, Executive Director of the National Air Barrier Association
The presentation will review some of the consideration and language that should be reviewed prior to developing a specification and will outline code requirements, performance requirements, what can be done for quality and ensuring material selection meets the intent of design and for crucial coordination with other components of the enclosure.
11:00 – 11:15 – Break
11:15- 12:15 – Presentation
Brian Stroik, Performance Excellence & Quality Consultant, American Contractors Insurance Group
Today’s building construction must overcome complex building materials, multi-layer construction/multiple trades, thinner construction, limited on-the-job training, higher expectations, tight schedules and the pressure to keep the cost as low as possible. One way to help ensure a successful project is to incorporate some form of quality assurance and quality control.
12:15 – 1:15 – Catered Buffet Lunch
1:15 – 2:15 – Presentation
Dave Carroll
This presentation will provide an overview of all flashing choices that can be selected and specified and provide information on how to make product selections and what materials are not compatible in a system. Real-life examples of various systems and transitions will provide attendees with an understanding of the successful construction of these components.
2:15 – 2:30 – Break
2:30 – 3:30 – Presentation
Adam Ugliuzza, PE, Director of Enclosures at Sustainable Building Partners
Whole building airtightness testing has been a code compliance option in the International Energy Conservation Code and ASHRAE 90.1 for some time.That compliance option is rarely used and only becomes mandatory as part of a building owner’s requirements, or a specific state or jurisdictional requirement. As we move towards Net Zero, building codes will “tighten” up and it is expected this will become a test that is mandatory on a more country-wide basis. As we move towards those requirements, it is important to understand the latest in test methods, current and projected code requirements, training and certification requirements, and resources to allow you to specify this requirement.
3:30 – 3:45 – Break
3:45 – 4:45 – Presentation
Brian Stroik, Performance Excellence & Quality Consultant, American Contractors Insurance Group
A billion dollars are spent each year by construction managers, trade partners, manufacturers, and insurance companies due to water and moisture related issues in the building enclosure. Join us to learn how having an industry-recognized knowledgeable individual in air barriers and an enclosure quality program can mitigate your building enclosure risk.

Laverne Dalgleish
ABAA Executive Director
Principal of Building Professionals
Executive Director of the National Air Barrier Association
Chair – ULC S700 Committee on Thermal Performance in the Built Environment
Chair – ISO TC163 SC03 Thermal insulation materials, products and systems
Chair – Building Envelope Task Group for Standing Committee on Energy Efficiency
Phone: 866-956-5888 Email: ldalgleish@airbarrier.org
Mr. Laverne Dalgleish is the Executive Director of the Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA). As such, he works to champion energy conservation in buildings while educating the building owners and designers about the benefits of energy conservation such as durability, comfort, reduced maintenance, reduced HVAC equipment costs and the positive impact on the environment.
Mr. Dalgleish travels North America to educate building owners and designers on the benefits of effective and working air barrier systems in buildings. This education mission includes working with standards development organizations, training and education groups, government policy departments, and quality assurance program developers for the construction industry. Mr. Dalgleish is the Secretariat of two ISO Committees, ISO TC61 SC10 Cellular Plastics and ISO TC163 SC3 Thermal Insulation Products. He is also Chair of the ULC Thermal Performance in the Building Environment Standards Committee.
Mr. Dalgleish was the key developer of the ABAA Quality Assurance Program for the installation of air barrier systems in buildings. This program is based on ISO 9000 and ISO 12576-2 but brings the ISO requirements together with practical applications for the air barrier industry.

Brian Stroik
American Contractors Insurance Group, Performance Excellence & Quality Consultant
Immediate Past-Chair – Air Barrier Association of America
Building Enclosure Council Past Chair
Brian is a recognized industry leader in the construction of energy efficient, sustainable and durable buildings.
Brian is involved with key industry organizations – For three years, he has served as Chair of the Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA), he’s been voted for two years to the Board of Directors for the Building Enclosure Technology and Environmental Council (BETEC), has obtained certifications as a Certified Air Barrier Specialist (CABS) and Construction Risk and Insurance Specialist (CRIS) and is currently a Performance Excellence & Quality Consultant for American Contractors Insurance Group, a company that focuses on Quality in Construction for some of the largest construction companies in the United States.
Brian is a frequent speaker on the subjects of: commissioning the building enclosure (BECx), quality in construction, and mock ups / first run studies. Brian has also chaired numerous speaker sessions at national conferences and hosted round-table discussions. He holds the following industry positions and affiliations:
* Past Chair, National Building Enclosure Council (NBEC)
* Chair and a Director, Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA): Past Chair Research Committee
* Advisory Board Member, Building Enclosure Technology and Environmental Council (BETEC a Council of the National Institute of Building Sciences – NIBS), Washington, DC
* Founder and Chair, Building Enclosure Council of Wisconsin (BEC-WI)
* Voting member of ASTM E06 – Building Performance
* Senior Member, American Society of Quality (ASQ)
* Certified, American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE)
White papers by Mr. Stroik on the subjects of building energy efficiency and building enclosure design, among others, have been published in The Journal of Energy Efficiency & Reliability, The Journal of Building Enclosure Design and SprayFoam Magazine.

Andrew Dunlap, AIA, CDT, LEED AP, NCARB
ABAA Board Member
ABAA Research Committee, Co-Chair
SmithGroup, Inc. – Principal
Building Technology Studio Leader
Phone: 313-303-9623 Email: Andrew.Dunlap@smithgroup.com
Andrew Dunlap’s primary work experience is focused on the analysis and development of building enclosure systems including wall cladding assemblies, air/water barrier systems, roofing, skylights, fenestration systems, and waterproofing. Specializing in the energy and hygrothermal analysis of wall, fenestration, and roof systems; his work extends from evaluating existing buildings, investigating problem buildings, revitalizing historic structures, to the design and consultation of new and specialty facades.
Andrew received his Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, and Master of Architecture degrees from the University of Detroit Mercy. He provides presentations to several industry organizations on a regular basis and is published in numerous industry periodicals and journals. He is active in the design and construction community and currently holds positions within the following organizations.
- American Institute of Architects (AIA) – AIA Detroit Chapter Vice President
- Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) – Board Member
- Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) – Research Committee Co-Chair
- ASTM E 06.55 Performance of Building Enclosures – Subcommittee Secretary
- ASTM E 06.41Air Leakage and Ventilation Performance – Voting Member
- ASTM D 08 Roofing and Waterproofing – Member
- Building Enclosure Council Greater Detroit – Past Chair
- University of Detroit Mercy Architectural Engineering Board of Advisors
Andrew’s work focuses on providing energy efficient buildings and he regularly participates in the development and refinement of exterior enclosure designs to exceed energy related goals. Project responsibilities include the collection of detailed building information, investigation and analysis of existing conditions, computerized thermal analysis (WUFI, THERM, WINDOW and other specialized software packages), formulation of remediation options, preparation of construction documents for remediation, and construction contract administration including field observation and system testing. This work often includes performing field air and water tests as part of forensic investigations or used to validate installed conditions.

Dave W. Carroll
David W. Carroll joined York Flashings in 2007 as an Eastern Regional Manager. Senior Technical Manager was added in 2012. York has been producing the world’s finest through-wall flashings and transitions, specializing in flexible copper and stainless steel, since the 1930s. David does approximately 70 educational presentations annually to the country’s largest architectural and engineering firms. These educational presentations are approved for continuing education credits by the Architects Institute of America (AIA) and the Green Building Council Institute (GBCI). David also spends a great deal of his time on job-site installation inspections, bringing installers the latest technology and best practices. He is an active member of the Boston chapter of the Construction Specification Institute (CSI) since 2009. He is also an active committee member of the Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA). In the spring of 2013, David completed the ABAA Level 3 Certified Air Barrier Installer training for self-adhered and fluid applied membranes (License # 304801). David has over 30 years in the building materials arena, including manufacturing, procurement, and construction fields.

Adam Ugliuzza
Director of the Air Barrier Association of America, Sustainable Building Partners
Adam brings 16 years of engineering experience focusing on building science and the building enclosure construction industry. Discipline expertise includes building enclosure consulting and commissioning services for new and existing construction, in addition to forensic investigations to determine root cause of building performance issues. He also brings industry leading expertise in large building whole building airtightness testing, which is at the forefront of high-performance building construction. Adam continues to work on projects across the United States and abroad providing professional building enclosure consultation in both the residential and commercial space for all types of construction, ranging from multi-family wood/timber framed buildings to high performance institutional/ healthcare facilities to high-rise construction. Through this experience, Adam brings a unique approach to building enclosure consulting and testing, concentrating on enclosure interface coordination in design and construction phases of the project that overlays a holistic approach, critical to achieving high performance building construction; the goal to help ensure all the materials, systems, and assemblies are properly connected to provide continuous environmental control. His extensive testing knowledge allows him to be deliberate and methodical in his approach to interweaving functional testing to verify performance.
Adam is also active in many industry associations including Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA), Passive House Institute US (PHIUS), Construction Owners Association of America (COAA), United States Green Building Council (USGBC), etc. and has co-authored numerous technical papers, guidelines and standards; fundamental to an industry leading professional.
about BEC
Welcome to the Building Enclosure Council of Charleston. The purpose of BEC–Charleston is to bring together building professionals across a wide spectrum of disciplines in order to establish a forum for sharing ideas and experiences on building design and science. The membership consists of architects, engineers, industrial designers, educators, constructors and other representatives in the construction industry interested in building design and the science of building performance. we explore the complexities of technical design and in so doing promote and encourage discussion, education, and technology exchange, regarding local, regional, national, and global issues.