Joseph Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng., ASHRAE Fellow • Principal, Building Science Corporation, Westford, MA.
Joseph LstuburekJoe Lstiburek—the dean of North American building science—returns to Charleston for an all-day seminar, which will focus on the unique challenges of building in our hot, humid climate—building science fundamentals, renovation and rehabilitation, commercial and residential construction, and building and energy codes.
Learning Objectives
1. Understand the evolution of building systems, enclosures, assemblies and materials—especially roles played by failure and disaster in the evolution of building design, regulations, and codes.
2. Build better foundations—slabs, crawlspaces, and elevated construction—that address energy use, airtightness, moisture control, and codes for storm surge.
3. Construct better walls and windows that address energy use, airtightness, moisture control, codes regarding coastal storms, and historic preservation.
4. Explore the impact of climate and coastal hazards on roof performance and address challenges such as roofs used as decks and codes for unvented attics.
5. Analyze the effect of hot and humid climates on HVAC design and operation— in light of conflicts between green architecture, IAQ, and energy efficiency.
Dr. Lstiburek is a principal of Building Science Corporation. He has been a licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario since 1982 and is an ASHRAE Fellow. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Building Science at the University of Toronto. He has over thirty years of experience in design, construction, investigation, and building science research. Through the Department of Energy’s Building America program, Dr. Lstiburek has forged partnerships with designers, builders, developers, materials suppliers and equipment manufacturers to build higher performance buildings across the U.S.